The Most Trending Payment Methods in Europe in 2022

Payment methods are constantly changing as new technologies are developed. This change is known as the Trending Payment Method. A few years ago we used to rely only on cash but now we have a wide range of options to choose from when it comes to paying for goods and services. Options such as contactless payments, payWave, and Android Pay have made paying for things much easier and faster.

So what are the most trending payment methods in Europe in 2022? According to recent studies, the following payment methods will be the most popular:

1. Digital wallets

A digital wallet is a type of online bank account that can be used to store, send, and receive money. They are becoming increasingly popular as they offer a convenient way to make payments without the need for a physical bank card. For example, PayPal is a popular digital wallet that can be used to make payments online and in-store.

2. Credit and debit cards

Credit and debit cards are still the most popular payment method in Europe. They are accepted by most merchants and offer a convenient way to pay for goods and services. Credit cards also offer consumers the opportunity to borrow money against their purchase, which can be helpful if they need to purchase a large item.

3. Mobile payments

Mobile payments are a payment method that allows you to pay for goods and services by scanning a QR code or NFC tag with your smartphone. They are becoming increasingly popular as they offer a convenient and secure way to pay for things. Popular mobile payment apps include Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay.

4. Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is a type of digital currency that uses cryptography and blockchain technology to secure its transactions. Bitcoin, the most well-known cryptocurrency, was created in 2009. Cryptocurrencies are becoming increasingly popular as they offer a decentralized way to store and send money. They are also often used to purchase goods and services online.

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5. Cash

Cash is still one of the most popular payment methods in Europe, although its use has been declining in recent years. This is due to the increasing popularity of alternative payment methods such as digital wallets and mobile payments. However, cash is still widely accepted by merchants and is a convenient payment method for small transactions.

6. Pay on delivery

Pay on delivery is a type of payment method where you pay for goods or services after they have been delivered to you. This is often used for online purchases, as it offers buyers the opportunity to inspect the product before they make a payment. Pay on delivery is also a popular payment method for food delivery and takeaway orders.

7. Online payment apps

Online payment apps are a type of digital wallet that allows you to pay for goods and services online. They are often used to pay for items that have been purchased on the internet, such as airline tickets, hotel bookings, and car rentals. Online payment apps typically offer a secure way to pay for things as they use encryption technology to protect your personal and financial information.


These are the most trending payment methods in Europe in 2022. They offer a convenient and secure way to pay for goods and services, and many of them can be used online or in-store. If you are looking for a payment method that is convenient and easy to use, then one of these methods may be right for you.

If you are looking for a secure payment solution for your business, then look no further. We specialize with many years of experience in providing robust payment solutions for businesses of any size. We only use up-to-date technologies to keep you updated with the latest trends. This way we ensure to give your customers the best possible experience. Book a free consultation call with us today, and let us take your business to the next level!

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